Wednesday, June 1, 2011
"I Love Picnics"
Getting one in at the last minute again...this is my submission to this week's Sketchy Thursdays challenge...and tonight is the last night for submissions! (
I'm also submitting this to Frosted Designs' Fabulous Friday Challenge. ( The challenge this week is to make a project using a bbq, picnic or outdoor games theme. Because I had some picnic photos to use, the choice for me was obvious...picnic theme!
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
"Nothing Can Stop Me Now!", I knew I was going to scrapbook my new car (not actually a new's used...but new to me!) but I was struggling with the title. Then when I saw the twist for this week's Twisted Sketches sketch ("Stop") I knew what the title would be! (
Journaling: After a month of walking, riding the bus and bumming rides off of people whenever we could, we finally got another car!
*For those of you who might be wondering, the car is a 2007 Nissan Sentra.
Monday, May 23, 2011
I am submitting this layout to Twisted Sketches (
This week's twist is "play". Since I had done this surprise for my husband, which was a play on words, I decided to use this for this week's twisted sketch.
Journaling: I bought Bill a can of cashews, put them into a basket and attached a note: "I am nuts for you."
Friday, May 20, 2011
"Journaling Spots & Flowers"
Today I received my prize I won on Lori Apgar's blog ( from Frosted Designs' National Scrapbooking Day online crop (
Lori sent me these great journaling spots and these beautiful pink flowers! Thanks again, Lori!
Thursday, May 19, 2011
"I Need More Buttons"
I decidede to use my new craft organizer that I won from the Wayward Girls Crafts blog ( for my buttons so I can keep the different colors seperated to make it easier for me to find specific colors of buttons when I'm doing a layout. When I put all my buttons into the organizer, I realize...I NEED MORE BUTTONS!!!! Lol! My husband and I are going to the mall tomorrow to pick up some photos we had taken last week so I'll make a point to pick up some buttons while I'm out!
"Congratulations Quetta!"
I created this layout to submit to Sketchy Thursdays (
Journaling: Quetta received her diploma in Pharmacy Tech.
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
"My Favorite Photo"
I created this layout to submit to My Favorite Things challenge blog ( The current challenge is to scrapbook your favorite photo. That was easy for me because I recently got my first photo of Bill, Corey, Quetta and me all in a photo together. Usually it's Bill taking a pic of me with the kids or me taking a pic of Bill with the kids. I had been wanting one of all of us together so when we went to dinner on Cinco de Mayo Bill asked the waiter to take a pic of all of us together, which he very graciously did. So, this is my favorite photo!
Yet ANOTHER Prize!
Wow! Unbelievable! I just found out that I won another prize from the Frosted Designs challenge blog ( in their National Scrapbooking Day online crop!
That's 3 prizes in 2 weeks that I've won!
That's 3 prizes in 2 weeks that I've won!
"My New Craft Organizer"
Today I received my craft organizer that I won from the Wayward Girls Crafts blog (!
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
"Rose From Bill"
I am submitting this layout to Frosted Designs ( for their Fabulous Friday Challenge. The challenge this week is to use ribbon or twine on a layout. I attempted to make a rose out of ribbon. Here is a close up of it:
Wow! I'm running out of time to get this layout submitted to Twisted Sketches! ( This is a layout based on T.S.'s sketch from last Wednesday. Today is the last day before the new sketch is posted tomorrow! I couldn't get this layout done any sooner though because not having transportation I haven't been able to go anywhere to get pics printed. I rode the bus to Wal-Mart today and got this pic printed to do this layout.
When I saw the twist on the sketch last week (curve), this is what my mind came up with...
Journaling: When other people look at me they see fat... but when Bill looks at me he sees beautiful, sexy, curvy.
In the sketch, the journaling was on the bottom left of the page, but for my layout, I flipped it to the top right of the page.
Friday, May 13, 2011
Another Prize!
I would like to thank Lori Apgar ( for choosing me as the winner on her blog for the challenge she hosted on the Frosted Designs blog (! She hosted the hidden journaling challenge.
Monday, May 9, 2011
"I Won a Prize!"
Exciting news! I won a craft organizer on a giveaway at the Wayward Girls Crafts blog!
Thank you so much to the ladies at Wayward Girls Crafts!
Thank you so much to the ladies at Wayward Girls Crafts!
"Love Letter"
I am submitting this layout to Frosted Designs ( National Scrapbooking Day challenge to use hidden journaling. I created a pocket out of patterned paper to put a love letter from me to my husband into. I hope that counts as hidden journaling.
"Cinco de Mayo 2011"
I am submitting this layout to Frosted Designs ( National Scrapbooking Day challenge to use a border punch on a layout. I used the border punch on the solid color cardstock. I just recently bought this punch and was excited about using it! It's a beautiful design! For those who may be interested, the punch is from EK Success.
"Fall Wedding"
I am submitting this layout to the challenge at Frosted Designs for National Scrapbooking Day( to use birds and / or butterflies on a layout.
Journaling: Corey and Quetta keep putting off their wedding date. Now when I ask them if they've set a date yet, the best I can get out of them is: "Hopefully sometime this fall."
"U A-Z"
I'm submitting this one to Frosted Designs ( for their National Scrapbooking Day challenge to use flowers on a layout. I layered a white flower on top of a red flower and topped it off with a self-adhesive heart gem.
I created this layout for my husband to use all of the letters of the alphabet to tell him some of the aspects that I love about him.
Sunday, May 8, 2011
"So In Love"
I created this layout for a one hour challenge at Frosted Designs ( for National Scrapbooking Day. I actually got this one done in about 30 minutes.
Journaling: Corey and Quetta are so in love!
Saturday, May 7, 2011
"Paris & Aunt Nora"
I created this layout to submit to Frosted Designs ( National Scrapbooking Day Challenge to create a girly layout and use one item on the layout that can't be found in a scrapbook store or scrapbook dept. of a store. My non-scrapbook dept. item is notebook paper.
Journaling: Paris is my friend Lucy's daughter. She is 6 years old. They live in Texas so I only get to see them once a year, but somehow I have developed a strong bond with Paris.
"Home Chefs"
I'm entering this one into 3 challenges: Sketchy Thursdays (, The Scrapping Chics Challenge Blog (, whose current challenge is kitchen-themed, and one of the National Scrapbooking Day challenges at Frosted Designs (, the challenge being to use circles on a layout.
Journaling: Bill brought home a catalog from work that had work related apparel. I asked him if we could get chefs coats to wear when we cook at home. He said yes and ordered them for us.
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
"My King"
I am submitting this layout to Club Ck's ( weekly challenge for this week (May 1). The challenge this week is in honor of the royal wedding. The criteria are: (1) You have to use a royal title in the title of the layout (2) You have to use bling on it. I had recently created a layout about Bill and my nicknames for each other (I'm his angel and he's my king) but I didn't use bling in it so I had to create another one using bling. I got to thinking about how I would create another layout using my nickname for Bill, then when I was watching The Newlywed Game yesterday one of the questions the ladies were asked was "Which of these famous Davids does your husband remind you of?" When I'm watching the show, I try to answer the questions as if I was being asked. Well, when she asked the question, I was expecting King David of the Bible to be one of the choices, but he wasn't. Anyway, I got to thinking why Bill is like King David and I came up with the idea for this layout. Here is the journaling: "I was watching the Newlywed Game. The ladies were asked "Which of these famous Davids does your husband most remind you of?" I was expecting King David from the Bible to be among them, but he wasn't. The choices were: David Beckham, Dave Chappelle and David Hasselhoff. My husband isn't anything like any of them. He's more like King David, because although he has his weaknesses, he has a good heart, just like David, the man after God's own heart. Coincidentally, my nickname for Bill is my king.
Monday, May 2, 2011
"Picnics (My Favorite Thing About Spring)"
I created this layout to submit to
The current challenge is to create a layout depicting your favorite thing about spring. My favorite thing about spring is the weather is finally warm enough for picnics!
Saturday, April 30, 2011
I created this layout to submit to Sketchy Thursdays (
I wrote the journaling along the branches on the patterned paper: "For Easter Corey & Quetta gave me a cute bunny tin with treats inside."
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
"How We Spent Our Easter"
I created this layout to submit to Twisted Sketches ( The twist this week is "paint". The big ugly purple, green and gold thing on the page is my attempt at hand-painting an Easter egg.
Journaling: "Easter was like any other Sunday for us. We went to Visions, Bill played D&D, and I read a magazine."
Visions is the game store Bill likes to go to. He meets up with a group of friends there and they play Dungeons and Dragons. I go with him and usually read something. On Easter I was reading a copy of Creating Keepsakes magazine.
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
"You Are My Sunshine"
I submitted this layout to the weekly challenge on the Creating Keepsakes website (
"You Are My Sunshine" was the first song I ever sang to my husband. One day while we were dating, I presented him with a sunflower while singing "You Are My Sunshine To Him".
The photos were taken while we were having a picnic in a park last summer. I used a black and white photo of me and a color photo of Bill to symbolize him as my sunshine.
The journaling is the song: "You are my sunshine, my only sunshine. You make me happy when skies are gray. You'll never know, dear, how much I love you. Please don't take my sunshine away."
Sunday, April 24, 2011
"Happy Easter"
Happy Easter everyone! I hope everyone has a wonderful day! And during your Easter egg hunts, and big meals, (however you are celebrating your Easter) please take the time to remember Jesus and the sacrifice He made for us! May God bless all of you!
Friday, April 22, 2011
"Transformed (From Ms. Cox Into Mrs. Henderson)"
I'm actually submitting this layout to 3 different challenges (Is that allowed? Well, I guess if it's not allowed somebody will tell me.) So, this is my layout for this week's Sketchy Thursdays ( I'm also submitting it for Issue Challenge #7 on Club Creating Keepsakes ( The challenge is to create a layout based on the Alice in Wonderland themed ideas in the current issue of Creating Keepsakes. The idea I chose is "Use butterflies to enhance the idea of a wondrous transformation". Also, the Frosted Designs challenge this week is to use birds and/ or butterflies on a project. (

Also submitting it to Wayward Weekend on the Wayward Girls' Crafts blog. This is not exactly a challenge, they just want to see our latest projects.

Also submitting it to Wayward Weekend on the Wayward Girls' Crafts blog. This is not exactly a challenge, they just want to see our latest projects.
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
I created this layout for the April 17 weekly challenge on the Club Creating Keepsakes website ( Here is the link to the challenge:
Journaling: My biggest achievment in a job was becoming a car wash manager.
Journaling: My biggest achievment in a job was becoming a car wash manager.
"New Challenge Blog"
There is a brand new challenge blog that has recently started up. It sounds like it's going to be fun, so I became a follower. Just read a couple of miutes ago that they will be having a giveaway when they reach 100 followers. Here is a link to the blog:
Please check them out!
Please check them out!
"I Love You My King"
A poem I wrote for my husband. I wrote it on one of my pink heart doilies for a little added touch of romance. I'm a hopeless romantic! Here's the poem: I love you my king. You are my everything. I proudly wear your ring. When I can't fly, you're my wings. You turned my winter into spring. You don't know the happiness you bring. I love you my king. You're my everything.
Saturday, April 16, 2011
"Red (My Favorite Color)"
I recently found another challenge blog thanks to Diana at Sketchy Thursdays ( This recently found blog is
This week they are doing a challenge where you can choose from any of their past challenges. The challenge I chose is "fave color". My favorite color is red and this is the layout I created to depict my favorite color.
This week they are doing a challenge where you can choose from any of their past challenges. The challenge I chose is "fave color". My favorite color is red and this is the layout I created to depict my favorite color.
Thursday, April 14, 2011
"Quetta's New Hair-Do"
I created this sketch to submit to
This week's sketch was a 2-page spread, but I only had one photo to use on this layout, so I focused on the right half of the sketch and condensed it into a single page layout.
This week's sketch was a 2-page spread, but I only had one photo to use on this layout, so I focused on the right half of the sketch and condensed it into a single page layout.
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
"Friends Forever"
Wow, what a coincidence! The twist at Twisted Sketches ( this week is "card" and I received a card in the mail a couple of days ago from my friend Kim from high school who I've recently gotten back in touch with on Facebook! So, here is my take on the sketch. Journaling: This is a card I received from my best friend in high school who I recently got back in touch with on Facebook.
Monday, April 11, 2011
I created this layout to submit to a challenge on
The challenge is to use clouds on a layout. I hand cut clouds from white cardstock and inked the edges.
The story behind this layout: Kim Fuller and I were best friends in jr. high school and first year of high school until she moved away to Florida when our first year of high school was over. I never stopped thinking about Kim and missing her. I can't even drive by the house she used to live in without looking at the house, and if someone is riding with me I'll say "That's where Kim Fuller used to live", even if it's somebody I've already told it to a million times, such as my husband, I still say it every time.
Recently we've gotten back in touch on Facebook. Her name is Kim Webb now. She e-mailed this photo to me and my husband transferred it onto a computer stick for me so I could make prints of it. I made this layout for her.
The challenge is to use clouds on a layout. I hand cut clouds from white cardstock and inked the edges.
The story behind this layout: Kim Fuller and I were best friends in jr. high school and first year of high school until she moved away to Florida when our first year of high school was over. I never stopped thinking about Kim and missing her. I can't even drive by the house she used to live in without looking at the house, and if someone is riding with me I'll say "That's where Kim Fuller used to live", even if it's somebody I've already told it to a million times, such as my husband, I still say it every time.
Recently we've gotten back in touch on Facebook. Her name is Kim Webb now. She e-mailed this photo to me and my husband transferred it onto a computer stick for me so I could make prints of it. I made this layout for her.
"The Bride & Her Son"
I created this layout to submit to
I've never done a challenge on this blog before but I've been seeing it on my friend Andrea's blog (
and I've been thinking for awhile that one day I will submit a layout to one of their challenges, and this is the week I decided to go ahead and do it. The challenge this week is to use brads on a layout. The 3 white flowers I used on this are brads.
Journaling: I was honored for Corey to give me away at my wedding. 7-14-07
I've never done a challenge on this blog before but I've been seeing it on my friend Andrea's blog (
and I've been thinking for awhile that one day I will submit a layout to one of their challenges, and this is the week I decided to go ahead and do it. The challenge this week is to use brads on a layout. The 3 white flowers I used on this are brads.
Journaling: I was honored for Corey to give me away at my wedding. 7-14-07
Sunday, April 10, 2011
"Knight In Shining Armor"
I actually did this one last year based on a challenge in a book by Elizabeth Kartchner titled 52 More Scrapbooking Challenges. The challenge was to use only black and white and then a pop of color. I used the red in Bill's Entec shirt as the pop of color. yeah, I created this one last year and now there is a challenge on the Club Creating Keepsakes site ( using this same challenge from that book, so I'm submitting this layout for that challenge.
The journaling is actually a poem I wrote for Bill: You are my knight in shining armor, You always come to my rescue. You are my hero. I am grateful for you. Thank you for always being there for me. I love you.
The journaling is actually a poem I wrote for Bill: You are my knight in shining armor, You always come to my rescue. You are my hero. I am grateful for you. Thank you for always being there for me. I love you.
"Sugar & Spice"
I created this layout for the May Guest Design Team Challenge on Sketchy Thursdays ( In this picture, Paris already had strawberry non-alcoholic daquiri on her face but using the spray ink on the pic made it even more prominent. Messy though! Lol!
"Corey & Quetta"
I created this layout to submit to Sketchy Thursdays (
"Sweet Dreams Sunshine"
I'm actually submitting this layout to 2 challenges: Twisted Sketches ( and the Club Creating Keepsakes' Color Challenge for April 2011 ( The twist for Twisted Sketches is "paper" (Ok, come on...I think ALL scrapbook layouts qualify for that one...Lol!) and the Color Challenge for Club CK is blue, yellow and black.
The journaling reads: I surprised Bill with a sunflower on his pillow.
The story behind the sunflower: The first flower I ever gave Bill was a sunflower. One day while we were dating, I presented him with a sunflower while serenading him with "You Are My Sunshine".
Bill's eyes are closed in the pic because I used a flash and he can't keep his eyes open when I take a pic of him using a flash, but I think it's kind of cool that he looks like he's sleeping with the sunflower after the romantic gesture was me putting the sunflower on his pillow! Lol!
The journaling reads: I surprised Bill with a sunflower on his pillow.
The story behind the sunflower: The first flower I ever gave Bill was a sunflower. One day while we were dating, I presented him with a sunflower while serenading him with "You Are My Sunshine".
Bill's eyes are closed in the pic because I used a flash and he can't keep his eyes open when I take a pic of him using a flash, but I think it's kind of cool that he looks like he's sleeping with the sunflower after the romantic gesture was me putting the sunflower on his pillow! Lol!
Friday, April 8, 2011
"Freindship and Love"
Journaling: I gave Bill a bouquet of roses made of a combination of yellow roses for friendship and red roses for love to symbolize that he is my friend as well as my love.
"Matching Baseball Caps"
This was my first attempt at using spray ink. I know, I have a lot of practicing to do before I get good at it, but I just spritzed java colored Walnut Ink around the perimiter, and I was satisfied with the results.
Monday, April 4, 2011
Hidden journaling inside pocket: I bought a small bag of Hershey's Kisses and put it underneath Bill's pillow for him to find when he went to bed.
Note: I made my own little Hershey's Kiss accent using aluminum foil and a small paper strip.
Note: I made my own little Hershey's Kiss accent using aluminum foil and a small paper strip.
"Tortured for Christ"
Reading a book called "Tortured For Christ" which I received through an organization called "Voice of the Martyrs" ( So sad. I knew people in other parts of the world were persecuted for their faith, but I didn not know the extent of exactly what they endure. We are so blessed that we can openly express our faith. We should all thank God for this blessing.
Saturday, April 2, 2011
"I'm His Angel and He's My King"
I created this layout to submit to
I created this one based on the nicknames that Bill and I have for each other. He calls me his angel and I call him my king.
I created this one based on the nicknames that Bill and I have for each other. He calls me his angel and I call him my king.
Thursday, March 31, 2011
I created this layout for the March Scraplift Challenge on Creating Keepsakes Magazines website
Here is the link to the layout that I copied for this scraplift challenge:
The photos in the top right corner are of my husband, myself, my son and his fiance.
I learned one very important lesson from this project: It is not easy to hand-stitch a heart! Yes, that is supposed to be a heart in the bottom left corner! Lol!
Here is the link to the layout that I copied for this scraplift challenge:
The photos in the top right corner are of my husband, myself, my son and his fiance.
I learned one very important lesson from this project: It is not easy to hand-stitch a heart! Yes, that is supposed to be a heart in the bottom left corner! Lol!
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
"Rosy Surprise"
Another romantic surprise from my husband! Journaling: "Sunday afternoon after church, we were about to leave to go to the laundromat, Bill made up an excuse for me to look in my purse. He had picked a small rose off of the rosebush in the front yard and put it into my purse!"
"Text Me"
My sweet husband! He is being so romantic here lately! And he says he's not romantic! But he knows how much romance means to me. That's what makes it so much more special, is that he's not a romantic person but he knows I am and he knows how much it means to me and that's why he's doing make me happy!
He also knows how important it is to me that he not be attracted to other women, which is what led to this text message and it meant so much to me that I took a pic of the phone showing the text message and made a layout about it. Here's the journaling: "Two things led to this text message: I can 't stand the thought of Bill being attracted to other women and we always joke about the show "Whose Line Is It Anyway" where Drew Carey says the points don't matter and compares the points to something. The text message says: "The points are like any other woman but you." That made me very happy!"
He also knows how important it is to me that he not be attracted to other women, which is what led to this text message and it meant so much to me that I took a pic of the phone showing the text message and made a layout about it. Here's the journaling: "Two things led to this text message: I can 't stand the thought of Bill being attracted to other women and we always joke about the show "Whose Line Is It Anyway" where Drew Carey says the points don't matter and compares the points to something. The text message says: "The points are like any other woman but you." That made me very happy!"
Saturday, March 26, 2011
"Rose Petal Heart"
Journaling: "When I got home from choir practice (March 23) there was a heart on the bed that Bill had made for me out of rose petals!"
Note: I used one of the actual rose petals on the layout.
Note: I used one of the actual rose petals on the layout.
"Spring Break 2011"
I created this one to submit to Journaling: "Lucy and the kids came to visit during spring break this year."
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